
Random Opening

Randomize your opening setup for a new game each time

Place one player's set of pieces into a bag. If you are playing with two players, you should only place two of the 3-0 pieces in the bag. Draw out the desired number of pieces one at a time. Place them on the board, left to right, in the order that they are drawn. You can use the templates below as a guide to different board setups. Your opponent(s) set up their board the same as yours.


Attack the middle

Both players try to capture a neutral board

Two players arrange their boards around a third neutral board, and try to capture the empty territory. Only spaces captured on the neutral board count toward victory.


Double Agent

Two players use three sets

Double Agent is a two-player game, but players set up for a three-player game as usual (using any board setup). The third "player" is the Double Agent, a hostile third party.

Special rules for Double Agent:

  1. All special rules for three-player games apply (e.g. you must capture at least 1/3 of the needed territory from your opponent, and at least 1/3 from the Double Agent)
  2. Double Agents are always considered enemy pieces. You cannot jump over them to capture. They block you from capturing territory if they are in the way.
  3. Players take turns controlling the Double Agents. Assuming that Black and White are the two players, and that Red is the Double Agent:
    • White moves a white piece, then rotates a white piece
    • Black moves a black piece, then rotates a black piece
    • Black moves a red piece, then rotates a red piece
    • White moves a white piece, then rotates a white piece
    • White moves a red piece, then rotates a red piece
    • Continue alternating play (moving and rotating your pieces, and then the double agents) until someone has enough territory to win
  4. You cannot move a Double Agent piece in a way that would put it (or another Double Agent piece) in danger of being captured.

Be Nice

Ignore piece captures and focus on maneuver

Only for the short game setup, and especially good for kids just learning the game. Players set up their pieces and boards as normal. All other rules apply, but you don't capture your opponent's pieces. You just try to out outmaneuver your opponent and be the first to capture enough of their territory to win the game.

All Aboard!

A major departure

All Aboard! is a two player variant of NXS played on a single game board. I would recommend selecting two colors for pieces (use all 14 pieces for each player), and use the third color for the board.

Players take turns either:

  1. Placing one of their pieces on any vacant board space
  2. Moving one of their pieces by the standard movement rules of NXS, or capturing an enemy piece using the standard NXS capture rules. If you move or capture, you must then rotate one of your pieces.

Players are trying to capture territory by using a modified territory capture rule.

  1. Territory is captured by occupying an enemy hex,
  2. By having an unbroken line between your piece in enemy territory and your board edge,
  3. Or by having an unbroken line between two pieces in enemy territory.
  4. Captured spaces are only counted once

You no longer get credit for just having your piece on the board, and obviously there is no home territory to connect to.

Play continues until someone captures enough territory to win. 13-16 spaces is recommended.